Intimacy and Infertility


Alright ladies, buckle up because today on the blog we are talking about something we've never really discussed before... INTIMACY and INFERTILITY. 

This is such a hard topic to cover because it's so incredibly personal. It's obvious that infertility takes it's toll emotionally, physically and financially but we never really talk about the toll it takes on intimacy! It's clearly an important factor of conception, so why is it so hard to talk about? Even in the infertility community?

I think most people who have dealt with infertility would agree that "trying" is most definitely not the fun part. Between tracking cycles and timing ovulation, you can kiss spontinuity goodbye! With a goal in place, it now becomes a mission and can often times feel more like a chore. With each cycle that passes, that chore can become more and more frustrating! 

At some point in your infertility journey, you stop seeing intimacy as anything other than a science experiment. Once you learn the physiology and biology behind the reproductive system, it's difficult to understand it as anything else. All of the sudden "sexy talk" turns into "biology 101." Your vocabulary turns into something that would put your 7th grade health teacher to shame. Your google searches are so specific they borderline inappropriate. Eventually you get to a place where you're willing to try anything to increase your chances of success. 

From special thermometers to measure basal temperatures, to fancy ovulation kits. From crazy positions, to lying upside down for an hour after to increase chances. Unfortunately there is no shortage to tips and tricks to try. Who knew it could get so complicated?
Before we knew that IVF was our next step, we spent alot of time exploring our cheapest options for conception. Prior to that we tested every trick in the book when doing our IUI fertility treatments to increase our chances for success. And before that, we did as much as we could on our own before seeking medical intervention.

Knowing when to move forward with each stage is difficult and incredibly personal. But knowing about different options that are available can be helpful.
The Stork OTC is an over-the-counter conception device designed to help increase your chances of pregnancy naturally. This product is available for $59.99 at most retailers (including Target) and online at 

After recently learning about this product, It's my opinion that if you are in that place between trying on your own and seeking medical intervention, it might be worth your time and money to check this out! To learn more visit and join in on the upcoming Twitter party December 21st at 6 PM ST using the hashtags #gettingpregnant and #storkotc.

*This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.*

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